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The health benefits of Nectarines

Discover what makes these juicy, vitamin- and mineral-rich stone fruits so good for you, how many count as one of your five-a-day and healthy recipe ideas.

What is a nectarine?

Nectarines are a round, yellow-red stone fruit that are about the size of an apple. They have a smooth, firm skin on the outside and a white-yellow flesh inside – both of which are edible –and in the center, a hard stone or kernel, which is inedible.

Nectarines are related to peaches, but don't have the same fuzzy skin.

Nutritional profile of nectarines

Nectarines contain around 85 per cent water per 100g, so they provide a lot of hydration. A 100g serving also provides 43 calories, around 10g of carbohydrates (of which all is sugar, as it's a fruit), 1g protein, negligible fat and about 1g fiber.

Nectarines have a good nutritional profile, containing lots of vitamins and minerals, including beta-carotene, which gives them their yellow-red color. The body can turn beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is needed to support the normal function of the immune system and the health of our skin and our eyes.

Nectarines also contain fol ate, needed for healthy red blood cell formation, as well as a little calcium, phosphorus and vitamin K, all of which play a role in bone health.

Nectarines are also a good source of antioxidants, and in particular, a certain poly phenol known as Gallic acid that is currently being researched for its potential health benefits in a number of conditions including diabetes, certain cancers, brain health and obesity.
